Tuesday, March 28, 2006


I guess my Econ prof was right... there's no such thing as a free lunch... at least there's no such thing as free unlimited amount of xanga. I just discovered I can't upload megabytes of Jude pics to my heart's content and that as a free subscriber I am given a limit each month. I suppose that makes sense but I don't plan on paying for a "better" package. What's better than FREE?! So Jude fans the world over will have to wait until the end of the week (beginning of a new month) to see still shots of him doing the robot dance, cabbage patch, moonwalk, or whatever. You think I'm joking but while I am busy teaching Jude his numbers and alphabet, Kwang is diligently teaching him a cornucopia of dances from the 80's and 90's. So with the temporary inability to exploit my son, I thought I'd complete this little exercise-sans-photos since getting "tagged" by a friend...

Four Jobs I've Had:
1. Dry cleaners (surprisingly, my parents have never owned one)

2. System Software Associates (5yrs)

3. Ameritech/SBC (5yrs)

4. Davita (7mos)

(Are you still awake?)

Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over
1. Breakfast at Tiffany’s (for Audrey Hepburn’s style & grace)

2. Sound of Music

3. Shawshank Redemption (one of the only non-romances I can watch over and over)

4. Pretty in Pink

(what can I say, I’m a girl)

Four Places I've Lived
1. Kansas City, MO (Go Royals!)

2. Chicago, IL (Go Bulls!)

3. Champaign-Urbana, IL (Go I-L-L...I-N-I!)

4. Los Angeles, CA (Go....)

Four TV Shows I Watch
1. Grey’s Anatomy

2. Everyday Italian

3. Sex and the City (on TBS)

4. those are the shows I currently DVR…


Four Places I've Vacationed:
1. Paris

2. Rome

3. Austria

4. Florence

Four Foods I Love
1. Coldstone Creamery (Coffee Lovers Only)

2. duk-bo-sam at an all you can eat for $14.99 korean buffet

3. Fresh baked chocolate chip cookies

4. Original Ray’s Pizza in NY


Four Sites I Visit Daily:
1. yahoo!

2. xanga

3. missions team 93 blog

4. only three…

Four Places I'd Rather Be
(at this very moment…)

1. home with Jude

2. Chicago

3. any vacation with my husband (he plans the best trips!)

4. at the hospital or home AFTER having given birth to a healthy second baby and looking into its eyes (I don't think I'll ever feel the "glow" of pregnancy...)

Four Random Items in My Purse:

1. Pocky (chocolate-covered biscuit sticks)

2. diapers (clean, of course)

3. tangerines

4. my wallet (see, it is a purse!)

(NOTE to reader: I’m pregnant)

Four People to Tag:
1. anyone with a xanga site or blogspot who’s reading this and hasn’t done one… =)

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Jude's first "Kim" cousin was born today!

Justin Kim

6 lbs. 8 oz.

20 inches

and adorable!

These pics are from about 10:30pm. We dragged Jude out of bed and to the hospital. So even though he may not look excited, poor thing, we know he was ecstatic on the inside to be meeting his new cousin... (notice the rare shot of him with his mouth shut)



Monday, March 13, 2006

"Beeg Caah"

That's what Jude calls our family's latest purchase. Yes, it's time to give up my zippy little ride for a.... family car. A Honda Pilot. Time to fully embrace motherhood. It doesn't feel safe driving Jude (and future baby) in all the offensive-driving LA traffic. My only request was that the new car not be a minivan. Fortunately, we bought at the perfect time and for an unbelievable price below invoice, because we got one of the last brand new 2005 models. Kwang even had them throw in free gas refills, oil changes, and a Honda jacket. Yes, a Honda jacket. Only Kwang. Here's a pic of my muse Jude in his new "beeeg caaah" (translation: big car).

Saturday, March 04, 2006

I can't believe my baby is going to be a big brother. I get sad thinking my "Just Jude" time is quickly dimishing. I went to the specialist for one LAST visit this week and received the great news that the blood clot has finally disappeared completely... an answered prayer. We pray now that Baby will be born healthy, healthy, healthy at full-term.

Here I am at 7mos with my baby saying "cheese!"

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Jude & Friends

These days Jude asks to sleep with his animal friends. When going up to bed, he points to his bears & dog and says, "Take! Take!" Normally, he rolls around all over his crib to put himself to sleep. But when surrounded by his "friends", he doesn't move at all and just falls fast asleep...