Thursday, April 13, 2006

In His Element

So you may have thought I was being facetious about the things that go on in our home. Once Kwang asked Jude, "Why do you have to turn on us?" because one day, an older Jude will not want to associate with us. He may even be embarrassed we’re his parents. Sad! So we treasure these times all the more when we are his world, his best friends. But the following pictures may prove why Jude could become bitter towards us... because his dad teaches him things like...

The robot dance:

The cabbage patch:

And the moonwalk (I guess you kind of have to see this in person):

And then his mom takes pictures and publishes them to the world.

But the times we probably treasure most are those we spend reading the “Bi-Bo” (“Bible”) and praying with Jude before bed. He will tell you the guy in the book next to the big boat is “Noh Hah-jee” (“Noah Hal-ah-buh-jee” / “Noah grandpa”) but has more interest in the giraffe and turtle beside Noah. But whatever the picture or story, I pray his excitement for God’s Word never fades but only grows as he does.


God on a cross

Since my college days, I like to read Max Lucado’s “No Wonder They Call Him the Savior” around this time every year. I can’t say I’m a huge fan of the author's because his writing can seem a bit fluffy, but there are points in this book that resonate in me in a way not many books do. I think it’s the perspective he writes from about the events surrounding the cross. And each time, I take from it something different.


“God on a cross. Humanity at its worst, Divinity at its best. No wonder they call him the Savior.”



Sunday, April 02, 2006

Travel Town

Due to the overwhelming LACK of response to my last post, a.k.a my "non-Jude picture post", I've concluded my suspicion is correct... my xanga visitors are mainly interested in my offspring, not in me. That's okay. I don't blame you. I, too, find Jude much more interesting and cuter than myself.  

Last weekend, we had a chance to take Jude to Travel Town, a transportation museum. He thoroughly enjoyed it, especially the train ride... probably because he enjoys Thomas the Tank Engine & Friends.

Here he is having the time of his life with Kwang on the train:

And playing with Aubrey and Nathaniel...


When it comes to sleeping, Jude has always been easy. But for some reason, the last few nights have been unusually difficult. Although he'll reluctantly go "night-night", he'll cry once in bed. It's such a sad cry... it pains me. Last night, as he was crying in his crib and Kwang & I were debating what to do (we knew what we should do-- let him cry himself to sleep-- but what we both wanted to do was get him), I noticed through our video phone that he stopped crying, carefully arranged his animal friends, and then fell fast asleep. After watching a movie, Kwang & I checked on him and found that to comfort himself, Jude decided to arrange all three animal friends to lie specifically face-down next to him before falling asleep the same way:

I realize probably no one finds this as cute & funny as Kwang and I did and assume every parent finds their kid more amusing and adorable than anyone else. Sometimes I wonder if we're strange for laughing at our son as much as we do. But Jude cracks us up all the time. He brings so much happiness to my life.

(BTW, please don't mind the korean floral PJ top. It was a very nice christmas gift from his LA grandma. Korean PJs are the best.)