We took a trip to Chicago & Baltimore this past week. Jude was asked to be the ringbearer at my cousin's wedding in Baltimore so we first stopped in Chicago for my family and friends to meet Eli for the first time. Sadly, it may be our only trip out there this year . It was so nice to spend time w/friends. It goes without saying how much we love and miss them, but no matter how short our visit, they always make us feel so loved and missed.
Jude had a great time on our vacation. He loves his "hung-ah" and "noonah" but it was surprising to see how affectionate and playful he was with his little cousin, Noelle. She is one year old and the tiniest girl. She wears the same size diaper as Eli, who is only 3 months old. Everything about her is so petite and cute.
Meanwhile, Elijah turned 100 days so we celebrated with a dinner at my parents' house...
After a week in Chicago, we flew to Baltimore for the wedding. Jude is 2 years and 3 months old. We were so honored to have him be a part of the wedding, but we were also very concerned. My mother-in-law had been practicing w/him before our trip, but for those of you who may not know the mind of a 2 yr old, walking slowly down an aisle by yourself in front of a church full of people is not something you are excited or even willing to do. He didn't even have a flower girl to walk with. So on the night of rehearsal, he basically ran down the aisle, saw my mom in a pew, and ran to her. . But with his amazing skills of persuasion (and a lollipop as bait at the end of the aisle), Kwang somehow got Jude to walk slowly all the way down the next day at the wedding! Even I couldn't believe it. We only have video footage of the actual miracle since I was at one end and Kwang was at the other, but here is a shot of Jude warming up before his big performance:
And here he is relaxing after finishing his ringbearing duties.. and his lollipop:
The picture above is of Jude again with his cousin, Noelle. She really can't talk yet and he is just starting to put together long sentences, but for some reason Noelle is crazy about her cousin Jude. It's such a precious sight. From Baltimore, we flew back to LA yesterday. Including a layover, it was almost 8 hours of air travel with an infant and toddler... but we made it!