I suppose I don't mind Kwang hosting a friendly game of poker 'til 3:30am if the kids have this much fun with his deck of cards the next day:
Jude loves his little brother. When Eli cries, it makes him uncomfortable and he sings all the songs he can think of to console him. And he loves to make Eli laugh. I don't know of many things more pleasant to the ear than a baby's laughter.
Hope everyone shared a nice holiday with family & friends. Over the long weekend, we visited my cousin Danny, his wife Ericka, and their son Caleb:
And finally, an enthusiastic comment by my friend Jean requires me to elucidate a previous post. Some of you may remember that before we were married, Jean and I were tripoholics. She was literally my personal vacation planner and the only one I have driven across the entire continental US with, coast to coast. Gail & Oprah had nothing on us.
We had many unforgettable excursions, but the most memorable was the one to Las Vegas back in 2001. I referred to this as "serendipitous" because my meeting Kwang was, for us, very unexpected and very fortunate. It was not a surprise for Jean, however, because it was all in her (& God's) master plan that both Kwang and I be on this trip with about 10 other people. She knew me (and my allergy to set-ups) very well. She worked hard to get us to spend time together on that trip... maybe too hard, because it was unfortunately due to an argument she & Charles had one evening that left me alone to have my first memorable conversation with Kwang! Jean never shared her intention with me until sometime after I returned to Chicago. So I will always be thankful to her for that. I look forward to telling my sons one day that it was because of Auntie Jean that their father and I met. As for him falling head over heels for me, well, that was all because of my undeniable charm and witty personality.
The holiday season is here... a time to reflect on the birth of my Savior as well as exploit my kids for a memorable photo Christmas card. Be on the lookout... they're in the mail!