Spring is here! And it feels exactly like winter... as well as autumn...
But we love it nonetheless! I showed Jude how to catch bubbles without popping them. He has the time of his life with a fifty cent (not to be mistaken with a "fiddycent") bottle of bubbles, although you can't tell by the photo below because he is trying very hard to resist the urge to pop the bubble with his other hand while I take the pic. I'm a playtime killjoy, I know:
Here are a couple of cute things I've heard Jude say lately:
- "Look at me, Ah-bbah! Look at me Kwang Ah-bbah!"
- While sitting on the potty: "Uhm-mah, can you get me a magazine?"
What I find cutest is when we see how much he loves his family through his words. As we were leaving our friends' home last week:
- Kwang: "Jude, should we take Matthew with us and leave Eli with Uncle Charles and Auntie Jean?"
Jude: "No."
Kwang: "Why not?"
Jude: "I want my brother."
And while we were watching Charlotte's Web and Jude laughed at a scene with Dakota Fanning:
- Kwang: "Jude, do you like that girl?"
Jude: "No." (pausing, thinking, and then pointing at me) "I like that girl."
The other week, Kwang's cousin told me she saw a teddy bear in a store that reminded her of Eli.