So maybe only my co-workers find the subject header funny. But I don't want to talk about work, because I'm getting killed there. When I can't update my xanga with the latest uneventful news like how irresistable Eli is singing Alicia Keys' "No One" while playing alone with his toys, it usually means that work is not being nice to me. It's hard to believe secular music can have such deleterious effects when it's being sung by the cutest little one year old.
Eli giving me a kiss:
It's getting increasingly difficult to focus on work. Unfortunately, I have two big projects due next week. It's just not so easy when you're playing host body to another human that hiccups and jerks inside you all day. Violently. What in the world is going on in there that is causing Baby to flail around like it's upset? Did someone take away its favorite toy car? Did someone accidently turn on "Entourage" instead of "The Incredibles"? Because it sure is acting like someone did.
Eli & me at 7 months:
So for the past few weeks I've been taping TLC's "A Baby Story". While other expectant mothers take lamaze classes or hospital tours, I prefer to watch TV to prepare for our big day. We never took any classes when we were expecting Jude or Eli, so it seems a bit late to begin acting responsibly now. Basically, both Kwang and I are Olympic Lazybutts. But it actually helped to watch the TLC show before delivering Eli, because seeing so many screaming lunatic women was enough inspiration to not be one myself. Of course, never say never! There is always Baby #3!
My boys @ Manhattan Beach 2 weekends ago: