Saturday, March 29, 2008

Eli's First Trip to Magicland Dental

He looks tough at home...

But at the dentist, not so much...



The final clip is of him praising God when he's not at the dentist. It's hilarious when you know the words to the hymn he's singing. After a praise song, he segues into the hymn "The Love of God" which he calls "Jesus God". To him, "O Love of God" sounds like "Mo mo mo mo". Maybe I'll correct him tomorrow. Or next week. Or never. The passion is just too cute.

"O love of God
How rich and pure!
How measureless and strong!
It shall forevermore endure
The saints' and angels' song."


Monday, March 24, 2008

Hello Audrey

Audrey Yenna Kim was born the day before yesterday, Saturday, March 22, 2008, at 10:51 a.m. She was our tiniest baby at 6 lbs. 14 oz.  Strangely, I could tell she was our smallest as I pushed her out (but the pain was just as intense):

kk lisa audrey.jpg

Already the affectionate older brother:

jude audrey.jpg

Spanky, on the other hand, is not quite sure what to make of her:

eli audrey.jpg


going home.jpg

Thank you for all the prayers. My first reaction when the doctor handed her to me was to lift up a prayer of thanks for what looks like a wonderfully healthy baby. My second thought: It's a GIRL! (even though she looks very much like my boys)


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Brotherly Love

The doctor told me today that I'm 3cm dilated, 80% effaced, and the baby's head is at +1. Her conclusion: she could induce me right then and there if I wanted. No wonder Kwang chuckles now as I walk and all I can do is laugh with him.

There is definitely one person who is not so enthusiastic about Baby's pending arrival:

I'm not quite sure why that is. For some reason, Eli embraces his duties as Jude's only servant. This is how Kwang found them today-- Jude going potty while making Eli hold and flip the golf magazine pages for him:

bathroom reading.jpg

Strangely, this is fun for Eli.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

One Of The Many Reasons Why I Don't Think Baby #3 Will Entertain Me As Much As My Baby #2

eli in sandbox

Kwang and his nephew Justin, who turned two years old this weekend:
justin and kk

My boys:

Don't have much to write. Just waiting to pop this baby out. I continually pray it is healthy. It's amazing how God brings you to the point when you actually WANT to push a human being out your body.


Monday, March 10, 2008

Still Here!

To answer a few comments left in my previous post:

1) My face HAS gained weight. In fact, I gained FOUR POUNDS IN ONE WEEK ALONE. OMG.

2) It's true, the doctor was impressed that I don't have the usual stretch marks that come with pregnancy, especially with this being my third one. I attribute this to a combination of genetics and a generous lathering of a cheap drugstore concoction on the belly every morning, a heaping so colossal that I have to wait about 30 minutes for the white layer to soak into my skin before I can put my clothes on. I do it more for the itchiness than for the stretch marks. But I'm also not fond of the idea of tucking extra skin into my pants for the rest of my life.

3) No, I am not wearing normal pants in that pic. Thanks, Jeny, but are you kidding me?! Those are my favorite maternity pants, because they are the under-the-belly style... a FANTASTIC invention. Almost as great as the Toilet Wand.

I am so excited to meet our baby. I pray it is healthy, healthy, healthy. My ticker says I technically have 9 days to go and, hopefully, he/she won't come early since I have two projects left to complete for work. I definitely don't look forward to the first two weeks of breastfeeding and the jolly cracking and bleeding fest that it usually is for me. But I look forward to being done with pregnancy (hallelujah!). Most of all, I am struck with awe at the Creator our God is each time I see our baby for the first time. I am also in awe of how they always come out looking about 99% Kwang and approximately 1% me.

Jude's preschool picture:
Jude 3yr preschool pic

A typical conversation between Kwang and Eli:

Kwang: Do you love uhmmah (mom)?
Eli: (nodding yes) Uh-huh.
Kwang: Do you love ahbbah (dad)?
Eli: Uhmmah (mom).
Kwang: Do you love Jude?
Eli: Uhmmah (mom).

For some reason, it's hard to imagine Eli not becoming my favorite.

Eli playing peek-a-boo with me today:
peek-a-boo Eli

Sunday, March 02, 2008

BIG Warning: Unattractive Belly Exposure

When I heard Kate Gosselin of TLC's "Jon & Kate plus 8" mention that the age of three is proving more difficult for them than the terrible twos, I let out a huge sigh of relief. I realize they have five more toddlers to contend with, but I find it hard to imagine any one of their sextuplets passionately crying "PLEASE GOD HELP ME!!" from his timeout corner in the laundry room. That would only be our Jude. Where does the melodrama come from? A mystery, I know.

wake up jude

In terms of discipline, last weekend was probably the roughest with Jude that I can think of. It's sad that when we're disciplining him, Eli is always hovering close by most likely expecting to see Mount St. Lisa explode right in the middle of the dining room. You'd think the disobedience was about something normal like refusing to share a toy or hitting another child, but with Jude it's about not wanting to feed himself a simple meal. Jude has very little interest in food and I have only myself to blame, because that's exactly how I was growing up. All the eating of the food gets in the way of all the important playing that he feels must get done each day. He's relatively good but there is not a week that goes by when I don't have to force him to eat his dinner at least once, and what do you know, this causes him to whine or complain that his tummy is grumpy. One time I think he said his hand was too tired to pick up the spoon. So unpredictable, that one.

But when we're alone with Jude one on one, he's still the most adorable little three year old to me. He says the cutest things and warms my heart. These days on our way to school, we'll stop by the donut shop, sit, and enjoy each other's company along with a tasty breakfast treat. I love listening to his stream of consciousness. I treasure these times and secretly wish he didn't have to go to school and I didn't have to go into the office.

What does Eli have to say these days? The other day he turns to me, pinches his own cheeks, and says, "Cheeks.... TOO BIG." I was so startled by this, didn't know where he had learned such a thing, and immediately corrected him, "No Eli. Eli's cheeks are JUST RIGHT."

eli in car

So I think I'm somewhere around full term. I can technically deliver any time now, but I have two and a half weeks until my official due date. It might sound silly since my two boys were full term, but I don't take this milestone lightly. I am once again grateful to the Lord for bringing us this far along. Hopefully, I won't pop while at work... but wouldn't that make for an interesting day at the office? Even though it's just my belly, I think this is the only way I can prove to people that I am actually pregnant... and big:


As a bonus, I can use this photo as evidence that I in fact did bear these kids that look nothing like me. I might casually take it out on a day they are being especially rebellious teenagers to show them just how much I went through for them and why they must always obey me. Call it unreasonable parenting. I prefer to call it strategy.

Kidding. I'm kidding.