Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tired But Happy

I'm sitting here trying to think of something to write to all of Jude and Eli's fans out there. Haha. Only problem is, I can't seem to remember anything that's happened beyond three minutes ago. My memory is deteriorating. Perhaps it's because I'm a year older today than I was last week (thanks for all the bday wishes!), or maybe it's all the yellow baby poop I've been inhaling the past three months, but I suspect it most likely has something to do with all the Food Network & Take Home Chef TV I watch and the space in my brain occupied by the recipes I say I'm going to try but haven't.

I'm actually shocked and super appreciative that people take time from their day or facebookaholism to see and read what we've been up to. Sadly, I can't say we've been up to anything all that exciting. I'm back to work full-time, trying to find a way to balance my home-life and work-life, and proving to be a complete failure at it.

Jude & Eli had their weekly sports class this past Saturday and I must admit I was impressed that Jude actually has a jumpshot:

Eli also has (somewhat of) a jumpshot:

Audrey? She did what she usually does at home... watch her brothers play ball.
Strangely, she loves it:
What does Audrey do when she's not watching Jude & Eli play ball?
Why, talk to her friend the giraffe, of course:
audrey and giraffe - 019.jpg
I seem to have interrupted their conversation:
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And for all those who think we're only sports fanatics here at the Kim home, you have forgotten that our son is a Jude-of-all-trades. He can cut the rug and keep up with the best of them, Usher in this particular clip:


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Week In Pictures

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Jude's Summer Basketball Program:

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VBS Praise Time:

jude vbs - 038.jpg

VBS Field Trip:
Noah's Ark Exhibition at the Skirball Center 

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Our happiest baby:

audrey carseat.jpg

How Eli says the color "blue":

Sunday, July 06, 2008


I remember how much I liked the circus when I was a child, so I decided to DVR the show Celebrity Circus thinking the boys might enjoy watching some circus performances. I was right, they loved it. Jude & Eli's favorite contestant? The little person Wee Man made popular from the awful show "Jackass". Unfortunately, I failed to anticipate the conversation I overheard Jude having with his grandma the other day while watching Wee Man's performance. Yes, this would be his grandma that is MY MOTHER-IN-LAW:

Jude: (very matter-of-factly) "His name is Jackass."
L.A. Grandma: (in korean) "They call him 'Wee Man'."
Jude: "No, his name is Jackass. His name is Jackass, Ha-mo-nee."

I don't know what I found more amusing-- Jude thinking Jackass was someone's name or my mother-in-law learning who Wee Man is from Jude. All because I recorded a show for my kids.

It's official, I would get a big fat F in Motherhood 101. But look how cute...

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Thursday, July 03, 2008

Happy Baek-Il!

When I was pregnant with Audrey, I would be asked all the time if I was "finally having a girl". Perfect strangers I would never see again were curious to know. Now that we have Audrey, the comment we get all the time is, "You finally got your girl!" Of course, it's still difficult to tell by looking at her that we have a girl since she still looks like a boy. A yoda-looking boy.


But she's my adorable boyish yoda-looking girl. Audrey turned 100 days old this week and we celebrated with family by going down to Redondo Beach Pier for some yummy crab.


It goes without saying that for each of her 100 days, I have felt incredibly blessed to have Audrey. This week has been no different as I finally decided to sleep-train her at bedtime. I've been far more lax with her than w/our boys, but everyone who knows us knows that Kwang and I are big on sleep-training and believe that any child can be taught. Neither of us looked forward to it, though, because this was a girl who cried for over six hours on the drive home from Las Vegas. So Night #1 of sleep-training started with a bet: Kwang didn't think she would cry herself to sleep in less than 2 hours. I thought she would. The result? 1 hour and 54 minutes of non-stop crying. But at 1 hour and 55 minutes, she had soothed herself to sleep. It was one of the most painful nights, because her cry is so sad. It nearly killed me to pat her and leave each interval and I was pretty much hating myself the whole time. In fact, all week. But last night was Night #5 and all Audrey did was wimper twice before putting herself to sleep without another peep. That's my girl...

audrey good morning.jpg

Audrey was definitely the most difficult in this area out of our three kids. It's hard to believe I had to sleep-train Eli, because now he LOVES his sleep. In fact, these days he'll retire for the night on his own. None of us will know where he is only to find him lying in his bed for the night. I sometimes wonder if he's really a 50 year old man inside a 2 year old's body.

eli and audrey.jpg

And while Eli will do things that make us laugh, Jude will do things that make us proud. A couple months ago, he wrote something on his aquadoodle and told us it was "COSTCO":


Not bad, Jude!