Sunday, September 28, 2008


As if having sons with unruly hair isn't challenging enough, we have Eli. Jude is a champ and will sit there and take it. Eli... not so much. I may not have needed pain medication when giving birth to him, but it would have been nice if the hospital gave me some epidural to take home for future occasions like his haircuts. Oh my goodness is the boy difficult. After a half hour of non-stop wailing, hair sticking to his body from the tears and mucus streaming from his face, and repeated cries of "Mommy, hold my hand! Mommy, hold my haaaaaaand!", we were done. You'd think this was his first encounter with a pair of clippers, but he should know by now that it doesn't hurt since Kwang gives him a haircut EVERY. TWO. MONTHS. Whatever, I've given up trying to understand.

That's the thing about Eli. When I think I have him somewhat figured out, he'll do something that surprises me. He started preschool three weeks ago and I would never have guessed he would like it. Just one year ago, he had severe stranger anxiety for anyone that wasn't me. But it hasn't even been a month and now he'll actually want to go to school and no longer cry when we drop him off. Even though I had nothing to do with it, I couldn't be prouder of him or more relieved! This speaks to the wonderful preschool teachers and program God has provided, but also to Eli's enigmatic nature that keeps us on our toes.

My babies are growing up much too quickly for my liking. Not even two and a half years old, Eli already knows the Lord's Prayer. Well, almost. He kind of makes it up on his own at the end but he speaks so confidently, you almost think it's correct. Amusing.

And call it denial but somehow without my knowing, my baby Jude has outgrown the toddler stage without my permission. Last week, Kwang decided to keep a spider he saw out on our porch as a pet to show the boys how it eats other insects. He'd catch different bugs and feed the pet spider. And while I find it a bit cruel, he calls it the circle of life. Other than a mosquito or ant, I can never get myself to kill a bug. I'll either take it outside, live with it, or put a cup over it until Kwang comes home. I don't know why it's interesting to watch anything eat another living thing, but Jude loves it. Unfortunately, Kwang's spider fell prey to another spider. Jude asked why the spider died and Kwang said it wasn't strong enough because it didn't drink enough milk or eat enough vegetables. Jude gave him this look as if he couldn't believe Kwang thought he'd believe that and responded, "Nooooo. Spiders don't drink milk or eat vegetables." And then he got in his car, drove away to college and now he doesn't call us anymore. 


Because Jude and Eli are so different from each other, I'm curious to see which attributes of each God has given Audrey. But one attribute he's given all our kids is an adorable silly face. This is probably my favorite expression of Audrey's:


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Conversations With Their Dad

Jude & Eli attended three funerals earlier this year and while we tried to teach them about death as best as we could, some things got lost in translation and in what they observed at these services. It is, after all, heavy stuff for a four year old let alone a two year old to process:

Kwang: "When do you go to heaven?"
Eli: "When I die."
Kwang: "How do you go to heaven?"
Eli: "In the car."
Jude (interjecting): "You know, first you drive the car and then you put the dead guy in. And you drive and you lift him up, put him down, lift him up, put him down, and then you put him in a box."

Audrey had her six month check-up today and although she is our lightest baby (25th percentile), she is our longest (90th percentile). When she was born, Kwang said he didn't understand why guys felt so overly protective of their daughters and made the comment that he felt the same for her as for our boys. But last week, I overheard him casually talking to Audrey and asking her never to leave us for anyone and to live with us... forever.


Monday, September 15, 2008

Whoa, Whoa, Baby!

I guess she's not quite ready to sit up yet, but look how cute. She gets an A for effort!


I gotta tell ya, to put it mildly Audrey is THE MOST DIFFICULT BABY I KNOW. Oh my goodness. The girl has a built-in speedometer, altimeter, and ultrasonic hearing. She is the lightest sleeper and will wake up to the sound of my blinking if I am in the room, I am not even kidding. And if the car is moving, no fuss. But as soon as the car stops, fuss. If I'm holding her and standing, no fuss. If I sit down, fuss. Stand up, no fuss. Sit down, fuss. Everybody now!

But she is also our most smiley baby and it's hard not to adore her when she flashes her ear-to-protruding-ear smile:


This past Saturday was the last session of Eli's sports class. They did soccer, baseball, and basketball. Yes, Eli always picks the pink soccer ball:

eli soccer.jpg  eli baseball.jpg

eli bball.jpg

His wonderful coach just happened to be a former Chicago Bulls player from the 60's, Corky Bell:

eli corky.jpg

Great job, Eli!
eli award.jpg

As for Jude, we had started him in a class but quickly learned it wasn't all it was cracked up to be so we pulled him out. That's okay. Being the stellar parents we are, we allow our kids to play ball in the house on a daily basis and with football season starting, he really isn't missing out on anything:

Pretty impressive, Jude!