Monday, December 22, 2008

Proof That There Is Such A Thing As Too Much Lakers

Watching a clip of President-Elect Barack Obama on the television screen:
Me: "Jude, do you know who that man on the TV is?"
Jude: "Kobe?"
Me: "No."
Jude: "Bynum?"
Me: "No."
Jude: "Then I don't know."

lakers game.jpg

Nevermind my hair, I need to find a nice, pretty outfit:

audrey 004.jpg

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Proverbs 22:6

Every milestone is bittersweet. My last baby is growing up way too quickly:

Poor girl thinks she loves Hotwheels cars:



Thursday, December 11, 2008

Would You Like To Join Me For Some Afternoon Tea?

So my mom sent me an outfit for Audrey to wear for Christmas. But since Audrey has all of ten strands of hair, the hat just looks like a fancy shower cap:

Not only that, but my mom forgot that I am not the typical mother who dresses her kids in nice clothes for a holiday pic. I was hoping to put Audrey in this:

I decided to compromise:


These days Jude has been rather loquacious during his mealtime prayers. Tonight among other things, I heard him passionate pray, "God, please let us not do sin stuff."

Eli: "Mommy, can I have some M. O. M.s? (This is what he calls M&Ms and I choose not to correct him)
I give him one M&M.
Eli: (disappointed) "No, Mommy. I want five..."
I tickle him to show him I'm joking.
Eli: "You're silly dude, Mommy."
I give him five more.
Eli: (Looking at his five M&Ms) "Actually, I want twenty hundred thirty."
