Monday, January 26, 2009

La Vie En Rose

So I'm barely finding time these days to post. I never thought being a working mom was unmanageable until I had my third child. Having a full-time job with three kids under five is JUST PLAIN NUTS. It's not that my kids aren't the best-- they are! Nor is it because my husband isn't the best-- he is! There are simply not enough hours in the day to get everything done that I need to and also have time to relax. I mean, I will go days without being able to see the latest episode of The City. Injustice!
Nevertheless, in these economic times, I am truly grateful for my job. I'm grateful for my family. I'm grateful for mindless reality television. Haha. If it weren't for my family, life would not be as colorful:
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It is still one big par-tay in our home. But although they make me laugh everyday, sadly, I am not banking on my boys' athletic abilities for an early retirement of my own:

The blue markings on the floor are part of a ghetto race track I made for the boys out of painter's tape a few weeks ago when everything but the plague hit our family and the boys stayed home from school. They love it:
cars 017.jpg
Audrey continues to be our little bundle of neverending joy. Over the holidays, she got her first two teeth:
But I almost want to say I gave birth to another boy disguised as a little girl. Our sweet Audrey is seriously the sweatiest little pig I know. After about 10 minutes of breastfeeding, she'll emerge from my nursing blanket drenched in sweat as if she just came in from a downpour. Lovely. She is probably also the best eater out of our three kids. She takes in about half the milk the boys did, but give her solids and the girl is a bottomless pit. She's also pretty strong.  If one of her brothers is bothering her, she won't hesitate to whack them to let them know.
Audrey Balboa:
audrey 009.jpg
Of course, I guess that makes her very much a girl. Like how she likes to be all up in everyone's business. Or how she likes to play hard-to-get with strangers or wrap her dad around her itty bitty finger. And how one day she'll get her period like I did again a couple months ago after going a glorious year and a half without. Blech. Of course, this means I can get pregnant again which, given my current crazy sleep-deprived schedule, is something I will seriously consider, mmmm, when I'm dead.

Thursday, January 08, 2009


Happy New Year! Although... I'm not so happy right now. I'm very, very sleepy. It has been rough getting back into the swing of daily life after 11 days in Chicago-- work, kids' school, housework, ugh. My body just doesn't bounce back like it used to. The morning after we returned, I got up to nurse Audrey and get ready for work and I accidently fell back asleep in the bathroom! I guess I deserve it for keeping my kids out late so many nights during our trip. This is what happens when parents act like kids and bring the family home at 2:30am:


At least we returned to the warmer temps and sunny weather of southern Cal. Of course, not more than an hour ago an earthquake had me running through the house in a slight panic. I guess it heard we were coming home and it missed us! How cute of L.A.!

Both Jude and Eli hit milestones during one of our many trips to Chicago. Jude spoke his first word: "fish". Eli took his very first unassisted steps. And Audrey was no different. During this last trip, Audrey began crawling on her knees.


It was such a great holiday break. I missed my family and friends so much that not even the bitter cold weather could dampen my spirits. A few pics from our trip:

My mom's annual family picture in front of her Christmas tree.
Of course, our family has gotten so big that you can barely see the tree:

Jude loved having an older cousin around:
chi boys 

Chicago Bear Eli & Optimus Eli:
bear eli optimus eli

New Year's Eve. Yuuuut! We've officially become our parents:

This girl's parents were the big winners of the competition
(along w/our Cali counterparts Jean & Charles):

Audrey (9mos) spending time with her 2nd (?) cousin Riley (8mos):

Two old Korean men and a little Korean doll wishing everyone a Happy New Year: