Monday, February 23, 2009

Stress Reliever

I ended another difficult week of work with a much needed Friday afternoon at the nearby Hermosa Beach with the family. We just strolled down the strand while the boys rode their bike and scooter. It was exactly what I needed. It was the first time I think Audrey experienced sand and while both of our boys were deathly afraid of, yes, SAND until they were about two years old, Audrey had no qualms digging right in. In fact, she wanted not only to feel the sand in her hands and get it all over her clothes but also see what it tasted like. Which reminds me, Jude and Eli never had a desire to play with the water in the toilet. Now, I have to remember to close the bathroom doors ever since Audrey learned how to crawl. It really is as if I finally know what it's like to have a boy by having my little girl. **sigh** That, Alanis Morrissette, is what I think they call irony.

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Everything Audrey does is cute to Kwang.
He'll often say what a mistake it would have been for us not to have had our third child.
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Watching this video, I'd have to agree:

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Four Valentines

It was a busy week of getting to the office before 7am and working throughout the day until 10pm while trying not to disrupt our normal family life. Fortunately and unfortunately, I think only Kwang fell victim to the stress I feel. I am continually reminded of God's grace manifested through my family. They keep me happy and healthy:

eli potty 

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Growing Pains (for me)

While getting the boys ready for bed one day...
Kwang pulled out a pajama shirt for Jude.
Jude made a remark in defiance, not wanting to put on his pajamas or go to bed.
Kwang: "Jude, what is that?"
Eli (watching all of this from his bed a few feet away): "Bad. Attitude."

I think it's safe to say it's time Jude got another haircut. This was what we woke up to the other morning:

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Our little Eli is now potty trained. I know most of his peers are already pros at this, but Eli's mom is not willing to walk around for weeks or months cleaning up accidents. I'm kind of lazy like that. I also don't like to force my kids just for the sake of saving money on diapers. But he finally showed signs of wanting to learn and, fortunately, it only took a weekend:

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I feel like I'm quickly losing my little toddler and I often treat and smother him like he's my baby, because I don't want him to grow up. The only TV show he requests is Little Einsteins. There was no Baby Einsteins phase, no Wiggles phase, no Dora or Diego phase.... Just straight to little Einsteins. That and the racing scenes in the movie Speedracer. Time and tide wait for no one. I get so sad thinking of the day Eli won't let me feast on his chubby little cheeks on a daily basis!