Jude's now in basketball, his first season of baseball, piano, and even a... dance class. Yep, a dance class. I think this may have been the first time Kwang has ever questioned our marriage. Maybe this class isn't exactly "normal". Can we call it broadening horizons? Balance? I think he calls it nutball insane. It's only for about a month and it's a boys class that focuses not just on dance but also strength building and other physical activity. But of course, all my husband hears is "dance dance dance". I think he is breaking out in a rash just by my writing this. I hope my boys become uber athletic, but chances of that happening should they take after me are HIGHLY unlikely. Coordinated, yes. Super athletic, not so much. So I want to expose them to a variety of activities because you just never know. I enrolled Jude in dance hoping it would provide him an outlet for creative expression or, if anything, tire him out for the night. And he was open to it and even likes it. But once when I peeked into the room while the class was in session, each boy had his own large pilates exercise ball and was lying on top of his ball following the teacher in a strength exercise... except my son. He, instead, was off to the side dribbling his huge lavender ball. *sigh* What can I say, he is who he is. I actually think he was disappointed, because I overheard him telling Eli that he was hoping to learn to dance like Will Ferrell in the movie Elf.
Eli has an occasional interest in new activities but has for the most part been content fighting the many villains of the world. Or just the ones at the local outdoor mall:
At Americana:
And for the sweet potato version:
Sadly, Eli was ill last week with a cold. He's generally an easy kid, but when he's sick? Not so much. He is the only one of our children who needs me physically next to him at all times when ill, because my presence somehow makes his throat feel better or his head not hurt as much. If I'm not right there next to him the whole family suffers. So the screaming and wailing you heard the other evening, that was Eli.
Every night before bed the kids and I will say our prayers. Jude will thank God for a variety of things while Eli usually thanks God for his stuffed animals which makes sense since this was how I found him sleeping one night:
Audrey? Her bedtime prayer is always "Dear God, thank you for this food. And God making rainbows."
My baby is not such a baby anymore and is now potty trained on schedule right before her... 3rd birthday. Now that there is classic Lisa parenting- the kind that has a way of underwhelming you. To my lazy butt's credit, however, each of my children took only 2 or 3 days to potty train. One point for procrastination, I say! Problem now is, she's potty trained. Have you ever tried to sit and watch your son's basketball practice with a newly potty-trained child that drinks about 10 oz of liquid every hour? IT DOESN'T WORK.