Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Jude & Friends

These days Jude asks to sleep with his animal friends. When going up to bed, he points to his bears & dog and says, "Take! Take!" Normally, he rolls around all over his crib to put himself to sleep. But when surrounded by his "friends", he doesn't move at all and just falls fast asleep...


janejchang23 said...

TOO CUTE!  just want to squish him!  "take! take!"  cuter?  keep these coming lis!  love the jude updates!  miss you tons!  ~jane

peterfcho said...

i'll bet kwang can't sleep without his animal friends either...

Kimhyeim said...

I'm so glad he loves stuffed animals, like I do. Maybe I'll get him a new friend for Chirstmas.

sahgwa77 said...

Hi Lisa!!  It's Debbie from Calvary... That's Mr. Brown!!  Remember to tell who got that for him :)  Just wanted to say hi!