Friday, May 05, 2006

Hello Elijah

Our second son was born Tuesday at 10:49am. After all the possible concerns, our prayers were graciously answered with a healthy baby boy! What an exciting and amazing experience it was to go "au natural". Unfortunately, I was wrong THIS time about doctors always overestimating baby weights. After measuring me, my doctor said this one would be 6, maybe 7 pounds at most. Elijah weighed in at 7 lbs, 11oz! Yikes. Had I known this, I might not have been so eager to go without epidural. But in all seriousness, I couldn't ask for a happier ending... a healthy-sized, healthy-looking, healthy healthy boy.


Jude and his new brother:



Proud dad:



Me and Baby Eli:




hsim said...

Congratulations!!!  You all look like one tremendously happy family!  =)  Please update with more pics and stories of how Jude is adjusting to having a little brother!  That is, if you have a moment or two to spare to do so!  Happy recovering!  :)

janejchang23 said...

GOD IS GOOD!  lis, he is beautiful!  so so so want to see him, i mean you too!  lots of love!  miss you guys!

sahgwa77 said...

AAHHHHH!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!  SO awesome!  Jude looks like he hasn't made up his mind on whether to like his new brother or not :)  SU-per happy for you guys!

srim said...

wow lisa! congrats! i like their names...

geniebenie said...


peterfcho said...

wow - praise God! But you're crazy for having two boyz.

mimikim1115 said...

so happy for you! i can't wait to meet him!

jeanwee73 said...

congratulations, Lisa!

leemay2005 said...

Congratulations!!!  You look pretty good for having just given birth, let alone having gone "au natural"!!!  and Kwang definately looks like the proud papa.  Jude, on the other hand, looks like "what do I do with this kid??????????"

christinaycho said...

congrats and a big welcome to baby elijah!! you're an amazing woman for going through it au naturale, lisa! you're now a family of 4....very cool!

janejchang23 said...

hey lis, you know looking at these pics again...and looking at the first pic of jude/eli...eli kinda looks like meghan when she was a baby?  do y'think?

Anonymous said...

omy goodness! didn't expect this when checking your xanga!...congratulations lisa!!! i'm really glad that you had a safe delivery and that the baby is healthy! hope to see the baby one of these days. i like the name too! congrats!

GMoMoney said...

nice. congrats! now KK can go 3-on-3 basketball finally!