Friday, May 19, 2006

Jude & Eli

These days when we read the Bible & pray with Jude before bed, he says his own prayer. But he doesn't quite know the difference between bedtime prayer and mealtime prayer, so he says:

"God... food... Jesus... Amen."

(translation: "Dear God, thank you for this food. In Jesus' name, Amen.")

Jude just turned 2 years old... 

And Eli turned 2 weeks old...

My two boys...

(why does Jude always have this "look" on his face whenever he holds Eli? He cracks me up.)

Our friends Jean & Charles stopped by on Sunday with some lunch. As much as I love the korean "seaweed soup" I've had to eat everyday, I thoroughly enjoyed the yummy torta they brought me! =) I can't wait for their baby to arrive. Just one more month! I hope he & Eli become good friends.


christinaycho said...

lisa, you look amazing after giving birth just a couple of weeks ago and being a mommy of 2 boys! btw, i think eli looks a lot like you....

hsim said...

why do you not look like you just gave birth!?!?  :)

janejchang23 said...

very cute and can't wait mini charles to arrive either!  you all look great!  i totally see the han side in eli but can't quite pin it.  miss you guys like cuhrazee!

blessed2B_blessing said...

beautiful!  Hey Lisa, surprise!!  I have come out of the dark and see your growing look fantastic and so does Jean!