Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Chicago Grandma

My mom flew back to Chicago today. It was really nice having her around again to talk to and watch the kids. So I'll probably miss her the most, but she'll probably just miss Jude & Eli...



maddiemommy said...

hey lisa! it's me jennie (maddie & aaron's mom). i came across your site by 'stalking' someone else's site! ahhh...the joys of stalking. are you still on maternity leave? your boys looking NOTHING alike! amazing!!!! jude is such a cutie pie! i love his chubby little face...

blessed2B_blessing said...

beautiful pictures!

hsim said...

i see the resemblance between you and your mom... :)  grandmas are the best!!!

dskim18 said...

Hey Lisa,
   Congratulations on the new baby!  I wanted to invite you and your family to visit our church.  It would be good to see you, and our church has a GREAT children's department.  Let me know if you are interested.
   As for moving back to Chicago...I think if it weren't for the in-laws being here, and for my church here, I would definitely think about going back...it certainly would be more affordable.

thejojos said...

i didn't know you had a xanga site!  i'm not sure if sol and i will be writing for a while...but i had to catch up on jude!  hehehe...it was great seeing you guys!  laura :)

leebunch said...

your mom looks so happy with her two grandsons. btw, i hope you don't mind me posting bathtub pix of jude on my site! hahah! it was good to see you during justin's party. hopefully, the next time jude plays with luke, he'll be a little tamer. :)

leebunch said...

i meant luke being tamer, not jude. jude is an angel!

sohnsarah said...

lisa, congrats on your new addition to the kim family! everyone looks like they're enjoying themselves! I hope that you're continuing to love life in LA!