Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Notre anniversaire

4 years. My biggest blessing this side of heaven...

But onto cuter people…
Jude and his cousin Justin (4.5 mos old), whom he adores:

And Eli, whom Jude also adores but at times torments for no reason:


christinaycho said...

happy 4th anniversary!! you guys are a great looking couple. the "cute people" photos are seriously too cute! the cheeks on both justin and eli are so big that you just wanna bite 'em!!

sahgwa77 said...

4 YEARS???  Has it been that long already? Congratulations!

hsim said...

such cute pics!  only 4 yrs... you guys seem like an eternal couple.  man, jude is such a big boy now!  =)

leebunch said...

too cute! happy 4th anniversary!

jeanxbeanx said...

happy anniversary!  it seems like yesterday we were honeymooning together in kaui...i always tell people about the monster suite you had at the princeville...seriously, kwang has some serious bargaining power!  let's get together again, sometime!

janejchang23 said...

lis, already?  congrats!  i can not wait to see you!

thejojos said...

congrats guys!  i miss your boys...i'm going to have to invite myself over sometime.  hehehe...  laura :)

lisaekim said...

Jeanne, it's funny... when people look at our hawaii pics and see the ones we took w/you guys, they always look confused and ask, "Hey, what are Hyunmin & Jeanne doing on your honeymoon??!!"
Jane, next weekend is NOT coming fast enough... CHI-TOWN here we come!
Laura, open invite anytime. =)

schmoomoo said...

congratulations lisa! MISS YOU! :)