Monday, September 18, 2006

littlest league

Jude's usual sports of choice are basketball and golf. But these days, he has a growing affinity for baseball. The past two weekends Kwang played a little softball, so the boys and I tagged along. From watching a game, Jude learned that after you hit the ball, you throw the bat down and run the bases. But as you can see from the clip below, he doesn't quite know what or where the bases are. He's just really happy to be out on the field after being contained in the dugout all game. That's why he's running so slowly, just enjoying the field. Either that or he takes after mom.

Unfortunately, now when I come home from work, you'll usually find us in the living room with me holding Eli in one arm while pitching a ball to Jude with the other over and over and over and over again. He's such a cute little slugger that I don't really mind... except when he makes me sing "Take Me Out To The Ballgame" every time he bats.



janejchang23 said...

lis, that is so cute!  so funny how he was just running around!  just love it!

grocery said...

haha! soo cute!

thejojos said...

hahaha...oh my gosh! how can you not love him?  too funny!  laura :)

hsim said...

that's endearingly cute!  go jude... way to hit that ball!!  =)

christinaycho said...

wow, he's got great hand-eye coordination!! look at him hit that ball!! and you just have to love how he's just jogging along without a care in the world....can we hear you sing "take me out to the ball game"? perhaps you can video tape that and share it. :)

jeanxbeanx said...

looks like jude's going to be an athlete just like his dad!  what a little stud!

sohnsarah said...

A future Cubbies in the making...

schmoomoo said...

too cute! we have to get the boys (little ones) to play together sometime... :)

anntonykim said...

I curious as to what happened to the little boy in the beginning of the clip. Either he just got a big mehmeh from the dad or he's adjusting the poo poo in his diaper.