Wednesday, May 30, 2007

"Today is a new day"

That is Jude's favorite line from the movie Chicken Little. It's cute how he picked it up himself. I hope he remembers it when he wakes up one day not wanting to go to work after a nice, long holiday weekend. Finally the drought of work-without-holiday has ended. The first half of the calendar year is always tough in that sense. But the weekend started off with a bang when a group of us at work were treated to a wonderful dinner at Fleming's Steakhouse. I was very excited because 1) it was the start of a three day weekend, and 2) I like steak just a little bit. My steak was prepared to a perfectly delectable medium rare plus and I even had a chocolate molten cake with vanilla ice cream to end the evening. A little bit of heaven on earth.

But the highlight of my weekend was, of course, spending time with my three boys. There is a boy at Jude's school named Jason who is always eager to play with Jude as soon as we arrive. Strangely, Jude is not fond of Jason and avoids him at all cost. Fortunately, Jude had a great weekend playing with two boys whose company he enjoyed. This may be because his new friend Andrew (Hyunmin & Jeanne's son) has a common affinity for Thomas the Tank Engine and Lightning McQueen and has an impressive toy collection to back it up:

jude and andrew

Or because Jude was able to convince his friend Jacob (Rob & Grace's son) that it really is much more fun to pitch than it is to bat:

jacob and jude

Of course, Jude never forgot about his younger brother and happily took the time to fulfill his big brother duties:

big bro

It was a fun weekend with Eli simply because he was awake while we were home. Since Eli has always chosen a daily bedtime of 6:30pm, I get only a few precious hours each weekday to gobble him up and he is rarely awake when Kwang gets home from work. But as lovable as he is, Eli still has a proclivity to cry the second neither of us is in sight. Even when it's a fake cry, he manages to squeeze out tears and tug at the heart of any nearby stranger. When asked, "Ohhhh, why is he crying? What's wrong?" my usual response is, "Oh nothing. He came this way."



jeanxbeanx said...

I'm so glad we got to experience the cuteness of Jude and Eli in person over the weekend.  I have a feeling Andrew and Joshy are going to want to play with your boys all the time!  I make myself laugh thinking of when I asked Jude to sing his favorite song, "If I lay here, If I just lay here..."

hsim said...

I must say, Eli looks cute when crying... and eating... and smiling... and playing... hahah, ok he just looks cute all the time!!  :)

Maryjanie said...

Thank you to Auntie Lisa and Uncle Kwang for my beautiful outfit! :)
Too tired to post pictures... Breastfeeding is CRAZY HARD! Anyways, thanks for dropping by.