Saturday, June 30, 2007


Jude: "I scared of flushing."
Kwang: "If you sit down, it won't flush."
Jude: "Red light! Red light! It's blinking! I'm all done, Ah-bbah! We gotta get out of here! We gotta get out of here!"
Kwang: (forcing Jude to sit on the toilet to finish his business) "No Jude, you're NOT done."
Jude: "We gotta get out of here!" (then realizing he's not done & feeling an urge) Oh! More coming..."

jude at the park

Let's all look at this picture of my snuggable, huggable, cute-as-a-buggable Eli and adore him for just a moment because THERE IS NO AUDIO FOR PICTURES OF BABIES WHO CRY WAY TOO MUCH:

eli at the park

My sister-in-law Bonnie called today and somewhere in our convo mentioned that Eli cries like any normal child and is just unfortunate to have an easy-going older brother to be compared with. So sweet of her to try and convince me of that. But really folks, how many parents out there are like my husband-- so confident that they are willing to give $20 to anyone who can hold their child without having him cry for two minutes? One minute? Heck, 10 seconds? We had a lot of takers tonight at a birthday party but no winners. Pretty ridiculous, you think? We haven't even scratched the surface of ridiculous. I'd say Eli PRETTY MUCH INVENTED RIDICULOUS.



Eliseyuhan said...

$20? I'm going to try tomorrow. =)

janejchang23 said...

i think i have done it! k, owe me at least $20!

mimikim1115 said...

yea for jude for finishing his "business" on the toilet!

littlemissbigbody said...

I have the same fear too. I don't like those autoflushing toilets either. I can relate.

christinaycho said...

i love jude's analysis of the toilet that's going to can just hear the urgency in his voice! as for eli, i just can't imagine a child as cute as him crying ridiculous amounts. and if it is true, his cuteness and his cheeks more than make up for it. heh heh!

annabaekim said...

hi lisa!  mo and i love reading your accounts of your family.  hopefully, we'll see you guys soon!  keep updating.  no pressure or anything.

YoungMe said...

haha:) Your kids are so cute!!!:) And I got the Bumbo for Abby and I love it and she loves it! It is a whole new perspective to see things from for her!:) Thanks for the rec! If you have any other recs I would love to hear them:)