Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My Three Sons

I'd been thinking about this old TV show in the past couple of weeks with the prospect of having a third son. I remember watching this show when I was younger, but I'm not sure why. Three boys in one home must be entertaining for a TV series to be based on them. When they look like my Eli, how could they not?

 (special thanks to Bonnie for the pic and the Chos for the costume)

Kwang's college roommate Jason came over for dinner last week. Jude and Eli really enjoyed his company and he even graciously snapped an impromptu family picture for us. Unfortunately, we're all in our t-shirts and sweats, my hair is a mess, and I have absolutely no make-up on (not that I know how to wear it anyway). But I love this picture, because Jude and Eli are so happy:

home pic

So we had our diagnostic ultrasound this past Monday. It's not an easy month for me at work, so I was actually up working until about 2am the night before. But when I went to bed exhausted, I couldn't sleep because I was nervous about my appointment. The tech thought it was funny, because this is my third time around. From what she measured, everything checks out -- perfect measurements, strong heart, a brain!, and full spine. And as with my two boys, I got many comments that this one is very active in utero.


But unlike my other two, I succumbed to the pressure of others to find out and the technician had difficulty identifying the usual twig and berries. So while she couldn't give us even the slightest confirmation, she is "leaning towards a girl."

So maybe Jude has been right this whole time. But until that hopeful day, we just won't know.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Peer Pressure

I didn't find out the gender of our boys at our 5mo checkups and I still don't care to find out with Baby #3. But I think I will have to this time for fear that I might collapse from the sheer PRESSURE I feel being placed on me to do so. It seems everyone is dying to know (that's the phrase I get all the time) if I am carrying a boy or a girl. So while I LOVE finding out what Baby is the moment I am pushing something the size of a watermelon out my body (an experience like no other!), it would be good to put to rest any hope that this is a girl if we are having another boy.

While we won't know about the blood disorder until Baby is born and I've opted against the genetic testing available, I pray everything else checks out-- nice, beating four-chamber heart, perfect spine, good measurements, healthy brain, etc...

Last week was the first free weekend we had in a while, so we took the opportunity to visit the L.A. Zoo again. Jude liked the spider exhibit and Eli's favorite was the lion:

eli and the lion 

jude on jungle gym

The boys also got to spend some quality time with their cousin Justin (Bo and Bonnie's son):


Eli's "thing" these days is his scowl. He discovered this expression a few days ago and Kwang says he'll see Eli practicing it when he doesn't even think anyone is looking, perhaps to see how long he can hold it for so he can REALLY be a threat. So now if Eli hears Kwang telling him not to do something he wants to, he won't throw a tantrum or cry. Instead, his eyebrows will just lower ever so slowly into his newly perfected scowl:


I wonder for how long I'll find this so cute that I want to eat him up whenever I see it.


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Taste of Chicago

My sister and brother-in-law, Kathy and Stace, came to visit this past week and I was worried Eli might cry the entire time. I know that sounds unreasonable, but don't we all know by now that Eli is one who embraces unreasonableness? In the same breath, he'll cry because he doesn't want to be put down AND because he doesn't want to be picked up and can someone please tell him why? Why are those his only two options?

on top 2

Fortunately, Eli fell in love with Kathy and Stace pretty quickly. Maybe it's because there's a certain familiarity since Kathy is my sister. In any case, it was a welcome break for me because she literally carried him around all the time, everywhere, their entire trip:

kathy and eli

And if I didn't stage an intervention, Jude's dream would've come true and Kathy would've read books to him straight from bedtime until morning. Eemos are truly the best. And as evidenced by Jude's affection for Uncle Stace, eemoboos aren't so bad either:

jude and stace

Unlike us, Eli seems to fully understand why Pinkberry is all the rage:


I really adore the relationship between Jude and Eli these days. They genuinely enjoy each other's company and, despite getting on each other's nerves everyday, they have a very wonderful and mutual affection for one other. I love that at this age, Jude makes Eli laugh more than anyone and that Eli looks to his older brother for laughter.

my boys  

Monday, October 08, 2007


The following clip is for all those out there who think our kids are "naturally" well-behaved and do not need discipline. Unfortunately, discipline is a necessity in our home. Much like I feel KitKats are these days. Now before everyone gets all up in my business about filming and posting this, you should know that several people actually challenged me to this thinking I embellish my trials as Jude and Eli's mother. What? Me? Exaggerate? NEVER.

For evidence of some sanity in the Kim household and balance in videos, I've attached Jude doing his first month of memory verses. You're probably wondering how many of these I will actually take and why I don't think this is getting old. I think Jude agrees. My only answer is, "But he's so cuuute!" From the patient and uninterested look on Jude's face, I honestly thought he was going to say, "I'm only doing this because you're being a bit pathetic, and I'm embarrassed for you."

Thanks for all the encouraging words, thoughts, and prayers for Baby #3. I keep thinking I should remind God that I'm really not as strong as He apparently thinks I am to handle these concerning pregnancies. But I have a hunch these are really His ways of reminding me that a mother's primary act of love and responsibility to her children is on her knees in prayer for them.


Monday, October 01, 2007


So the first word Eli can successfully identify is "Dodgers". I think I can safely say that my sons' knowledge of the L.A. baseball team is due in large part to Kwang's good friend, Henry. He generously gives us tickets from time to time and this past Friday, he gave us the best we've ever had. Our seats were field-level and allowed Jude to thoroughly enjoy the game up close:

As we walked towards our car to go home, Jude turned to me and said in a very happy and satisfied tone, "We have a good time at the game."

Here is Jude ready to catch any foul balls that came our way:

Oh yes, and Eli, too:

We were glad Jude had a great time, because the next day was a trip to the dentist to get dental work done. Yes, our Jude had cavities. It would almost be an understatement to say I was LIVID when the dentist told me. Kwang and I are so diligent about brushing our sons' teeth that my mom even thinks we're borderline neurotic. We are like this, because I feel that most of a person's dental health is genetic and despite all the brushing and flossing, my teeth are still weak. So to find out from several dentists that brushing really could not have prevented Jude's small unfortunate cavities was depressing, to say the least. They said Jude is "unlucky" because his teeth are much closer together and his grooves are deeper than most kids. My sons can now blame me not only for their obnoxiously protruding ears but also for their troublesome teeth. So for prevention purposes, the dentist sealed some of Jude's other teeth and scraped out a gap in between another two. And now we are already flossing little Eli's teeth-- all whopping 8 of them. Nevertheless, through all the shots, drilling, and prodding, our Jude was a champ as usual:

jude at dentist

If we ever have to take Eli in to get more than a routine cleaning done, Lord help us. Magicland Dental will most likely blacklist us. And I wouldn't blame them.

Sunday evening was spent catching up with an old friend, Jack, at Jean/Charles' home. Jack, Jean, & I were on the same Africa missions team back in school. Sadly, our missions team was tagged as the "notorious" one but I'm not quite sure why. Despite the bad rap, I'm thankful to have been on this particular team. It's kind of wild that a group of us still keep in touch, because our trip was 14 years ago. And yet Jack looks exactly the same-- let's all just hate him for a moment-- whereas I look, well, not exactly the same.  **sigh**  

jean jack and lisa