Monday, January 14, 2008


This past Saturday, we met up with our friends Henry and Lisa. During our meal, Henry asked how it is possible that while Jude and Eli look different from each other, they both still look like Kwang? I had to laugh, because I hear comments like that almost on a daily basis.

boys on bikes

So I went in and took an additional 3-hour blood test this morning to determine if I had gestational diabetes. I had already taken the one hour test but my result came back high so they asked me back. As it turns out, I passed with flying colors and do not have it. Many of you are probably saying "big deal". If that is the case, then many of you don't know that a diagnosis of gestational diabetes is pretty much the KISS OF DEATH FOR LISA. You think I'm being dramatic but you would be very wrong.

Afterward the doctor gave me some potentially bad news because I hadn't received any since, oh, last week. I found out that last week's ultrasound was actually inconclusive about my placenta so I might still need a c-section. Not only that but this baby's kidneys may be enlarged (hydronephrosis). The results are being sent to a specialist to confirm if our baby's plumbing is broken. It's interesting, I have a tendency to "hold it in" when I need to use the restroom because I'm too lazy or busy to go. Kwang scolds me all the time for this terrible habit. So it occurred to me that even though this baby will probably look nothing like me but like an organically grown miniature Kwang, maybe its personality will be more like mine... so lazy in the womb that s/he just holds it in.

eli bike jude bike


grocery said...

i failed the 1 hour too. i asked the doctor if i could take the one hour again and she said no. i was convinced i could pass it the second time haha. i'm dreading going in for multiple pricks. glad to hear your result came back better the second time.

janejchang23 said...

glad to hear about the gest diabetes being negatory!  just love jude/eli pics!  love, love, love them!  so cute how jude is helping his little bro out by pushing him!  we will continue to pray for the preferably no c-section, but whatever happens as long as you/baby are fine, do whatever it takes, ok?  don't worry, be happy!

modelvirus said...

good thing the diabetes test was negative Your boys are so cute!

Maryjanie said...

I laughed out loud in my office when I read the comment about Jude and Eli not looking alike but both looking like Kwang... that's hilarious and SO TRUE!
It's so amazing how strong you guys are even with the complications. FAITH!
I miss the two boys. I want Joey and Eli to become good friends!

katiek1023 said...

Well, I would definitely not accuse you of being melodramatic about the GDM, especially since it's also an indicator of Type II diabetes when you're older...imagine, all those sugar restrictions not only during your pregnancy but FOREVER....see, now I'm being melodramatic. I'll be praying for baby 3!!

epark7581 said...

i'll say a prayer for you and baby 3! you are one tough girl...

emilywhang said...

The thought of GDM still scares me. I failed the 1 hour test due to a single, one, una, strawberry I ate that morning. Three hour test came back negative. Thank godness!   Eli is so mellow...

mefick said...

Girls are just trouble ;) Seriously though, I hope everything is okay! I miss your boys! I was just thinking about Jude's dance the other day, how Sam does the EXACT same one! So I had him do it for me. Those moves don't get any smoother ;) I can't believe Eli is already riding a little bike! Pretty impressive!