Monday, March 24, 2008

Hello Audrey

Audrey Yenna Kim was born the day before yesterday, Saturday, March 22, 2008, at 10:51 a.m. She was our tiniest baby at 6 lbs. 14 oz.  Strangely, I could tell she was our smallest as I pushed her out (but the pain was just as intense):

kk lisa audrey.jpg

Already the affectionate older brother:

jude audrey.jpg

Spanky, on the other hand, is not quite sure what to make of her:

eli audrey.jpg


going home.jpg

Thank you for all the prayers. My first reaction when the doctor handed her to me was to lift up a prayer of thanks for what looks like a wonderfully healthy baby. My second thought: It's a GIRL! (even though she looks very much like my boys)



thejojos said... IS a girl!!!  i truly praise God that she is healthy.  yea!!  no more being pregnant (although you always look so great).  i can't wait to meet audrey...i hope you have a smooth and quick recovery.  laura :)

christinaycho said...

woo hoo!!! congratulations on a beautiful daughter! wow, what a blessing....

littlemissbigbody said...

AWWW she's so cute. CONGRATS but I guess this means no more rubbing your tummy. You don't look like you just had a baby. You look so good. Take care of yourself and I hope we'll see you soon!

hsim said...

Congratulations!!  Yay, A GIRL!!!  I can't wait for her pics and videos.  Though, I doubt Kwang will pull any funny pranks with his one and only daughter.  :)  You look great!  Take care and hope to see you soon!

leebunch said...

wow! thank God for a healthy and beautiful baby GIRL!!! you're glowing in the first photo! can't wait to read your upcoming stories about audrey and her big brothers! congrats to you guys!

hungryoskibear said...

congrats! love the name you guys picked

modelvirus said...

congratulations on a beautiful girl!!!! You look great!

julia_ohmd said...

knew it'd be a girl, the hamburger sign never fails (unless you're in korea and are my cousin- 3 "girl" u/s and it was a boy.)congratulations, lisa and kwang, love the one with eli holding her, he is a mini-kwang. so adorable. you look gorgeous, lisa!!zero face chub? didn't they give you an iv? :) WELCOME AUDREY! lucky girl is bound to be spoiled!!

grocery said...

congratulations!! we are so happy for you and your family!

jeanwee73 said...

congrats, kim family! thankful to hear that she is healthy and that everything went well. enjoy your little girl cause she will be so much fun. she will definetly give her daddy and oppas a run for their money!

Maryjanie said...

She's a cutie! Looks just like Kwang though! Danger!
Congrats again!

lizerspark said...

Lisa...did you really give birth?  Doesn't even look like you broke a sweat! ;)  Congrats to Audrey! 

GMoMoney said...

very cool. congrats.

Eliseyuhan said...

congrats, lisa!!! can't wait to meet audrey!

mimikim1115 said...

congrats!  she looks beautiful...

YoungMe said...

A girl!!!:) Congrats Lisa! she is beautiful!:) 

peterfcho said...

congrats! so happy for you guys. our families are mirror images but i have to admit that i'm much better looking than kwang.

joshuajeannielee said...

yay a girl! i know she is going to be such a blessing to your family. congratulations!

blessed2B_blessing said...

congratulations, she's beautiful and dang girl you look good for just pushing her out!  Congrats to the addition and your boys are just so adorable!

sahgwa77 said...

CONGRATS!!!!  She's beautiful!

epark7581 said...

lisa you look beautiful after giving birth! and i think audrey looks like you  :)  congratulations and i hope the family is doing well.

schmoomoo said...

congratulations lisa!! we were so happy to hear the great news... glad everything went smoothly and now there are so many little girls around us!! wish we could see her in person but thanks for the updates and hang in there!! you look radiant and i have to say, so does kwang... he's beaming! :)

dzhina said...

she's adorable! she's going to be loved so much by her brothers...congratulations lisa and kwang!

anntonykim said...


milquetoast said...

congratulations!!! a GIRL!!! :) may God bless your little one and mommy with a speedy recovery and lots of sleep :)-natalie

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Can't believe it...a perfect. Glad to see everyone's healthy and doing well. Take care and rest up!

westside_sooj said...

okay, i haven't read your xanga in SO long it took me about 45 minutes to catch up. i LOVE your posts. you crack me up. congrats again & again. i can't wait to hang out with you more at home with your DAUGHTER!!! oh my gosh, a GIRL!!! YAY!!!