Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Tired But Happy

I'm sitting here trying to think of something to write to all of Jude and Eli's fans out there. Haha. Only problem is, I can't seem to remember anything that's happened beyond three minutes ago. My memory is deteriorating. Perhaps it's because I'm a year older today than I was last week (thanks for all the bday wishes!), or maybe it's all the yellow baby poop I've been inhaling the past three months, but I suspect it most likely has something to do with all the Food Network & Take Home Chef TV I watch and the space in my brain occupied by the recipes I say I'm going to try but haven't.

I'm actually shocked and super appreciative that people take time from their day or facebookaholism to see and read what we've been up to. Sadly, I can't say we've been up to anything all that exciting. I'm back to work full-time, trying to find a way to balance my home-life and work-life, and proving to be a complete failure at it.

Jude & Eli had their weekly sports class this past Saturday and I must admit I was impressed that Jude actually has a jumpshot:

Eli also has (somewhat of) a jumpshot:

Audrey? She did what she usually does at home... watch her brothers play ball.
Strangely, she loves it:
What does Audrey do when she's not watching Jude & Eli play ball?
Why, talk to her friend the giraffe, of course:
audrey and giraffe - 019.jpg
I seem to have interrupted their conversation:
audrey and giraffe - 024.jpg
And for all those who think we're only sports fanatics here at the Kim home, you have forgotten that our son is a Jude-of-all-trades. He can cut the rug and keep up with the best of them, Usher in this particular clip:



hungryoskibear said...

you must be quite the dancing machine lisa, cuz i know jude didn't get those moves from kwang's genes

janejchang23 said...

that is hilarious lis!  jude is so cute!  concentrating so hard on watching the moves and following along.  def the lis' genes and not kk's!  jude is going to bust your closet hip hop self out!  the whole world will know you can rap and blow...give the kiddos big squeezes from me!

janejchang23 said...

btw, how did you not crack up when you were recording him?!?

sohnsarah said...

you need to get Jude a black leather jacket, then and only then will it be believable. hee hee.

lisaekim said...

Jane, it takes just about every ounce of my being NOT to laugh (thus shaking the camera) when I take these clips. That's why the clips are usually short-- I can't hold the laughter in any longer. I also have to be sneaky and quiet so the boys don't see and I can capture the silliness in all its unreserved beauty. Awful, aren't I?

grocery said...


annabaekim said...

hi lisa!  your family is so cute!  I love Jude's dancing.  he actually has rhythm!  Were you guys watching dancing with the stars b/c I think i saw usher's performance on there?  take care!

katiek1023 said...

that is hilarious lisa, I've never seen a kid Jude's age follow dance moves on a TV like that! Sign that kid up for jazz class!

mefick said...

Hi Lisa! Jude's got some fancy footwork! LOL! Too cute!

hsim said...

hey, next time i go out to a club, can i take jude with me?!  he can choreograph my dance moves anytime!  (what the heck are you doin having him watch an usher video though... what happened to barney or the wiggles or other more appropriate children's shows?).  ;)  you crack me up lisa.  the pic of audrey and the giraffe are priceless!

milquetoast said...

sooo cute! jude can really move :)

annabaekim said...

hii lisa.  thanks.  we're very excited.  i'm 14 weeks now. 

grocery said...

are pictures of her 100 day w the chicago family going up?