Saturday, March 07, 2009

Boy Have I Got The Sleepies

Working crazy hours the past month hasn't reaped many benefits, but the few I've experienced have been pretty special. The most notable surprise happened last Sunday morning when Jude was kind enough not only to dress himself but also help Eli change into his clothes before playing together downstairs for a whole hour while Kwang and I slept in. I guess I should learn to expect more from my little super heroes:

capes 013.jpg
(watching a car chase scene on TV before bed)

And here is a picture I never thought I would think was cute. I, too, would have to force a fake smile if I had to wear a Laker jersey. These boys are actually ecstatic and simply don't know how to smile naturally for the camera:

lakers 001.jpg

And our third little (tom)boy discovered the razor scooter this past week. After seeing her two year old brother learn to ride it, she just HAD to try it, too: 

eli 032.jpg  scooter 054.jpg

Audrey will be turning one year old later this month. Part of me cries a little every day knowing that our last baby is going to be one. I've been wanting to take a pretty picture of our birthday girl, but her hair refuses to cooperate. This is its natural state and no matter what I do, it doesn't change: 

audrey 061.jpg

And finally, what is a week at the Kim family home without more ball in the house?


jenyklee said...

wow, impressive! both jude & eli!!  can't believe audrey's one already.  you guys coming out so we can celebrate w/ you? all the kids are growing up too fast!

hsim said...

Dude, you've got 3 super athletes in the making!  (Jude - baseball, Eli - bball, Audrey - xtreme boarder).  ;)  Don't worry momma, you won't have to pull long hours forever 'cuz your pro athlete kids will be your 401K.  :)