After a week of all three kids being hit with hand-foot-mouth disease and a whole lot of television being used as a diversion to get my kids to eat something other than ice cubes without crying, our Audrey has emerged a Couch Potato Extraordinaire. She now wants to watch TV all day everyday-- "Dora!" or "Little Einsteins!" or "Mickey Mouse Cwubhouse!" Have you seen an episode of Dora the Explorer? The animated children's show starring the latino gal with the abnormally large head who for some reason can't speak in a normal tone and has to scream everything at the top of her lungs? Pretty much the opposite of pleasant, let me tell ya. But Audrey loves Dora. So Kwang, eager to potty train our last child, asked Audrey the other day if she wants to wear underwear like her brothers. She only became interested when he said he would get her "Dorrrrra underwear." With a lovely pink Dora print. That would have Dora on it. With Dora.
I think my husband might've forgotten about my degenerate parenting style. That I wait until my kids are about to turn the ripe age of three before I even consider potty training. On the bright side, my procrastination has always resulted in an easy one-weekend effort to train each of my boys. And I had planned to do the same with Audrey. Only Kwang believes we can diligently train her now. But he also thinks the Lakers are a team to be fanatical about. Both are forgivable but indicative of soft spots in the brain.
And from our inquisitive one...
Eli: "Did God make us?"
Me: "Yes."
Eli: "How did God make us?"
Me: "What do you mean, Eli?"
Eli: " Where did God get the parts for us?"
And lastly, Happy 42nd Anniversary to my Dad & Mom!
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