Tuesday, April 21, 2015

My DIY "Brass" Figurine

This past Friday, I had my four wisdom teeth pulled. This is not a flattering photo to begin with, but as I was washing up for bed that night I was impressed I didn't look too much like a chipmunk storing nuts in my cheeks. :)

So while I am recovering (being lazy) from having my teeth pulled, I thought I'd share a tiny DIY project I had fun doing a while ago. If you go to Target, you've probably noticed that brass and gold are all the rage these days, very Jonathan Adler. While there are people out there willing to pay $400 for a peacock ("Only 1 left in stock!"), I am not one of those people. I am not even willing to pay Target's attractive $14.99 for a decorative turtle:


BUT I am willing to stop by the Target Dollar Spot and pick up a $1 toy animal:

The giraffe was the most attractive one I could find. I then took some spray paint I had on hand from a previous project and tried to create my very own brass figurine.

It turned out even better than I thought it would and for only $1!


Jeanne said...

I love this idea! I have some leftover spray paint from Andrew's California Gold Rush project. This is one DIY project I can take on!

Brandi said...

Your brass giraffe looks great. I definitely understand not wanting to shell out $400, or even $15, for a gold or brass figurine. I also understand why they are such a rage right now, brass is just such a classic look. Your idea to spray paint the brass on is just a bit ingenious. Now I'm going to go off to find myself a panda figurine to turn to brass.

Brandi Bradley @ Rotax Metals