A few days ago, Kwang and Jude were playing catch and I think Kwang was telling Jude to stand at a certain place to catch the ball when Jude nonchalantly responded, "It's no plob-dum! Nooo plob-dum...." (translation: "It's no problem") Kwang and I both started laughing pretty hard, because we had no idea where he had heard the phrase or learned how to use it.
Last Friday, we rented "United 93", a movie about the one hijacked flight on 9/11 that was unsuccessful in reaching its target due to the heroic efforts of its passengers. For the next few days, I kept recalling scenes from the movie where the passengers phoned their loved ones from the air realizing they weren't going to survive. A lump in my throat forms when I imagine what it must have been like to sit on either end of the phone. Back on 9.11.2001, I was in San Francisco on business. I had just started dating Kwang. Now five years later, I have a husband and two kids and I wonder how I would be if something were to happen to any of them. To be honest, I question whether I would be strong enough to go on. It's easy to see from my xanga that my family means the world to me.
Rome 2003 w/Kwang With Jude @ 1yr old With Eli @ 5 days old
Well, I happened to listen to a sermon tape this week on Psalm 131, of which Charles Spurgeon once said, "It is one of the shortest psalms to read but one of the longest to learn." I think this is true, at least for me. The psalmist speaks of being complete and content in Christ and Christ alone. I know God wants me to love my family, yet I also know He wants me to hold onto them loosely. This seems like an impossibly tall order for a wife or mother to do. But I think I understand this psalm more because I am one. Eli is only 4 months old, but already we see that many times he only wants to be held by me. I'm the only one he'll cry and look around for and I think it's partly because I am nursing him. Eli wants me because "mom = food". However, Jude wants me simply because I am his mom. In the same way, I want to love God not for what He gives me, but because of who He is. Easier said than done as I examine my heart. I wonder if I can be like the weaned child the psalmist speaks of, happy simply being still by my Father's side. In my journey of faith, that is where I want to be.
Psalm 131
My heart is not proud, O LORD, my eyes are not haughty;
I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me.
But I have stilled and quieted my soul;
Like a weaned child with its mother,
Like a weaned child is my soul within me.
O Israel, put your hope in the LORD
Both now and forevermore.
Anyway, on a lighter note...Tagged by jeanxbeanx.
Name 10 of life's simple pleasures.
1. spending Friday evenings with my husband
2. a mocha ice blended drink with FRESHLY made boba
3. listening to Jude sing "Jesus loves Eli" to his younger brother
4. the carpool lane
5. getting a Victoria's Secret coupon in the mail for a FREE cotton... undergarment
6. phonecall from a family member or friend back in Chicago
7. nursing Eli before work
8. painting a room and having it turn out to be the exact color I was hoping for or better
9. a Sunday afternoon nap
10. fitting into pre-pregnancy clothes again
I tag christinaycho
Read Chapter 2 of "The Pursuit of God" by A.W. Tozer and it will give you a whole new meaning into holding loosely to a loved one. It really spoke to me this past week.
i was really encouraged by your entry....thanks...there are so any things i can identify with being i'm a working mom with a new baby....but i wish i could experience #10 on your list...hehe...btw, this is caroline from church
nice entry, lis.
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