Monday, December 11, 2006

Happy Feet

I can't say enough (or maybe to you I can) how very happy I am to be Jude's mom. Not so much for times like when he ran full speed into a clear glass wall at the Gap store in the local mall... although I have to say that incident brought quite a giggle to my belly (after I made sure he wasn't hurt, of course). But apart from typical toddler behavior, he possesses a maturity I often say surprises me. This past weekend, we attended another wedding and Jude was the ringbearer. However, we didn't know he was going to be the ringbearer until after the rehearsal dinner. We got a call that night asking if he would do it last minute, because the first two boys that were asked wouldn't.

You want me to do what?

Fortunately, without even going to the rehearsal he made it down the aisle. Unfortunately, he didn't walk in the most charming fashion... he instead had a funny waddle. So in his too-big-for-him tux he resembled a penguin. We're not quite sure if it was because of the large tuxedo or what, but because we knew it wasn't a comfortable situation for him, we're just thankful he delivered. He's clutch, as his father would say.


Now Eli, Eli makes me laugh as well. But not so much for reasons that would make a mom "proud". Whenever we're in public, he gets a lot of attention from strangers. As all parents have experienced, strangers will make you feel like your child is the cutest baby on the planet (even if he isn't). The only problem is, whenever people stop and adore him, Eli stares at them for about two seconds and then suddenly begins wailing as if to say, "Why?! Why are you looking at me?!" No joke. EVERY SINGLE TIME. He brings new meaning to the term "stranger anxiety." The person feels so bad for making a baby cry that I have to explain to them that he is like this with everyone, not just this particular kind stranger. It's really quite hilarious. Very opposite of Jude, who even to this day will go with the first stranger that asks. Eli is my lovable, snuggable, sensitive one. I'm thankful to the Lord for giving me such wonderfully different children, because it makes this go-around even more interesting and enjoyable. Eli received a new hat this weekend that, while totally age-appropriate, is too small for our growing boy. When I put it on him, he reminds me of the animated character Mashi Maro:

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hsim said...

hahaha... too cute!  i'll have to go to you guys at church and see if eli will react to me with his stranger anxiety.  jude looks studly in his tux... kinda 007ish!!  =)

Anonymous said...

dat hat is too cute!!! that tux looks really good on jude.

grocery said...

i still maintain that i am 100% a jude fan, but man, eli looks so cute there

christinaycho said...

jude looks so dashing and 007-esque in that tux. i'll have to remember to only look at eli for 1-second and pretend that i don't think he's cute when i meet him this weekend....maybe by playing hard to get, he'll give me the time of day and not cry? that hat is awesome, by the way....

Eliseyuhan said...

jude looks so handsome in his big tuxedo!

cico11 said...

Jude is a cooooollll kid ... Eli is a BIG kid.  :)