Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The Day We Had to Carry Eli in a Plastic To-Go Bag

The other weekend we went out to eat Hawaiian BBQ. We enjoyed a nice peaceful meal and were about to get up and leave when I looked down and saw a blob of greenish-brown mush on the floor. I thought to myself, "Strange. I didn't feed Eli green beans." And then I looked directly above the blob and saw that Eli had literally pooped out of his pants, onto the chair, and down to the floor. For a second I thought I had forgotten to put a diaper on him it was THAT BAD. But then I remembered my tendency to underestimate my children. Apparently, my son can take a dump so ferociously that its explosion knows no boundaries. What can I say, he dazzles.

got milk

We don't have many traditions, but one of the few is to have a portrait made of each of our children as soon as they turn one year old to have displayed in our home. It also happens to be a tradition to get this portrait done for free with a coupon.

pp eli

Once we believe our family is complete, we plan to take a family portrait that we will actually, ooh, splurge and pay for. That will also be displayed on our walls, much like the many displayed in my parents' home. It's always fun to stroll down memory lane and remember the time I had short hair and looked like a boy or when I thought big shaker-knit sweater vests were all the rage. If only the studio portraits were full-body shots and showed the baggy jeans I folded tightly at the ankles cutting off the circulation to my feet. All in the name of great fashion, or so I thought. This is why I'm driven to select very plain, boring outfits for my boys to be photographed in. Thus, the plain linen shirt on Jude (seen below) was my choice. Kwang liked the more patterned shirt for Eli, and fortunately the two go well together. This portrait of Jude & Eli warms my heart and for some reason makes me very proud to be a mother of two boys. Let's face it, such times can be few and far between. Many times, the only feeling my two boys conjure in me is that of exhaustion or confusion (see: first paragraph above or every previous xanga entry). For me, they are a full-time ministry in themselves.

pp jude and eli

Be blessed
Be loved
Be lifted high
Be treasured here
Be glorified
I owe my life to You, Oh Lord
Here I am

Beautiful Jesus.



janejchang23 said...

wouldn't put it pass eli to do that!  the boys are so cute...uhm, i am sorry, handsome as my boys would say.  my free pics never worked out.  =|

Maryjanie said...

Eli is getting more handsome by the day!

grocery said...

though i have an affinity for jude, eli looks very cute in the first picture!

dzhina said...

love how you write, lisa...i remember (during my first "real" job) when a toddler did a massive diarrhea while seated on my lap.

milquetoast said...

yikes for the diaper story. Abigail had something like that when she was a baby...all the way up her back. :D And for pictures, Natalie used to use coupons for pictures, too. It's a blessing to be married to a frugal wife..

mefick said...

Wow, Eli is something else! What a guy! Ben did that once in a Target shopping cart. Very gross! I love their portrait. I keep telling myself that I, too, will splurge and get that family portrait taken when we are done having kids and I've lost all the pregnancy weight....hopefully at the end of this summer!

sohnsarah said...

Eli looks like a grown boy all dolled up! It's funny how a simple change out of a onesie can alter their whole look. Hope the messy incident never happens again!!

anntonykim said...

oh man!  i love reading your posts!

schmoomoo said...

you are such a good writer! i love reading your posts... i'm sorry about the poopie incident, ugh... but those pictures of jude and eli are priceless! so cute!!