Monday, August 06, 2007

Possible Meltdown Ahead

So #3 is on the way. I know this sounds obtuse, but I am stunned that this has happened. Aside from my irregularity and the healthy dose of work-related stress in my life, doesn't my age hold any benefits? Apparently not and my eggs haven't yet begun to shrivel up. I'm joking, of course, and know this is a blessing beyond measure. But I can't say the deliriously fatigued part of me isn't freaking out just a little bit. I think I'm only about 6-7 weeks right now, so it's still really early.

We took a trip this past weekend to Santa Barbara and the beautiful wine country to celebrate our anniversary, attend a wedding and, most importantly, get away for a bit. It's been a tough few weeks of Kwang working long days and nights and me feeling like a single working parent. So we packed up the fam and took a little road trip. It made for a really nice and enjoyable weekend. When I look at this picture of Eli below, all I see is roundness. Lots of it. Everywhere:

beach boy

Appeasing the peanut gallery while mom enjoys a mocha frappucino:


Eli making the most of the wedding at Gainey Vineyard:

gainey vineyard

And Jude making the most of his hand-me-downs:

business casual

And finally, a picture I didn't even ask for and am still shocked I got. Pretty much sums up our weekend of family fun:

state street cafe

So why take the kids instead of indulge in a nice romantic getaway just the two of us? Judging from the surprise baby news we got on our anniversary, I think it's safe to say Kwang and I see enough of each other already.



janejchang23 said...

again, so happy to hear the news! may God bless you with health and energy! miss you tons!

peterfcho said...

what? you're not even a "Cho" and you're so virile!

dzhina said...

wow! congrats...our church has the cutest babies/kids ever!

christinaycho said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! how exciting to be expecting he/she will be just as cute and funny and smart as jude and eli!

mimikim1115 said...

yay for #3! 

jeanxbeanx said...

congratulations, kwang and lisa!  it'll be neat to see Jude as the leader of the little lee pack!

Eliseyuhan said...

congratulations, lisa!!! what an unexpected yet delightful surprise! i think we're both on year five of marriage. the difference is, you're on child #3 and i'm only on child #1!

hsim said...

congratulations!  i hope (secretly) that it's a girl.  :)  our church just keeps on growing, doesn't it??

janejchang23 said...

btw, i forgot to mention how darn cute the pics of jude/eli are!  love their stylin' wedding garb!  big squeezes!

sahgwa77 said...


jeanwee73 said...

congratulations, Lisa! You're so brave...

sohnsarah said...

WHOAH! Congratulations! That's wonderful news! I hope you are feeling well and take some time to rest! Jude and Eli are going to be remarkable big bros! Eli will be pouring wine in the baby's bottle and Jude will throw his shades on the lil' one. What fun!

schmoomoo said...

yay! congratulations lisa!! we're so happy for you guys... i know it's a surprise but yes, they truly are blessings, aren't they??? we wish you the best!

StreetFighterRyu said...

"Judging from the surprise baby news we got on our anniversary, I think it's safe to say Kwang and I see enough of each other already."...   TOO funny!  congrats on #3! 

Maryjanie said...

Congrats! my goodness...i don't know how you do it!

Pastor_Owen_Lee said...

Congratulations to you and Caleb!!!!

julia_ohmd said...

lisa, this is the best surprise!! congratulations! i'll pray for a girl. ur too cute not to have a little look alike.

lizerspark said...

congrats congrats!!! =)

grocery said...

!!!!! :)

jonahoh said...

congrats! what great news and a great blessing.

milquetoast said...

congratulations lisa! :) your xanga posts ooze with so much motherly joy! your children are super blessed to have such a wonderfully loving mom! -natalie for the chos in bkk

modelvirus said...

congratulations!!! that's so exciting! I agree with natalie and her comment too!

YoungMe said...

Congratulations! That is wonderful news!:)