Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Taste of Chicago

My sister and brother-in-law, Kathy and Stace, came to visit this past week and I was worried Eli might cry the entire time. I know that sounds unreasonable, but don't we all know by now that Eli is one who embraces unreasonableness? In the same breath, he'll cry because he doesn't want to be put down AND because he doesn't want to be picked up and can someone please tell him why? Why are those his only two options?

on top 2

Fortunately, Eli fell in love with Kathy and Stace pretty quickly. Maybe it's because there's a certain familiarity since Kathy is my sister. In any case, it was a welcome break for me because she literally carried him around all the time, everywhere, their entire trip:

kathy and eli

And if I didn't stage an intervention, Jude's dream would've come true and Kathy would've read books to him straight from bedtime until morning. Eemos are truly the best. And as evidenced by Jude's affection for Uncle Stace, eemoboos aren't so bad either:

jude and stace

Unlike us, Eli seems to fully understand why Pinkberry is all the rage:


I really adore the relationship between Jude and Eli these days. They genuinely enjoy each other's company and, despite getting on each other's nerves everyday, they have a very wonderful and mutual affection for one other. I love that at this age, Jude makes Eli laugh more than anyone and that Eli looks to his older brother for laughter.

my boys  


milquetoast said...

lisa, i love your stories...your boys are so very cute. Eli's tantrum video was familiar as we still see our 3 year old Stephen doing the same thing. We should probably video him too...and save it for his wedding day! :) Kathy looks great, but then again, you Han sisters were always beautiful! Blessings to you and baby #3 also! - natalie

janejchang23 said...

lis, ran into kathy/stace right b4 they went out...told them i was so jealous!  i just hafta say eli's cheeks look absolutely scrumptious!  miss you!  and keeping you lifted in lotsa gido's!

modelvirus said...

you ladies look the same as years ago... my parents say 'hello' to your family also!

hsim said...

Great pics!  You are one talented photographer... with two very adorable models.  :)

dzhina said...

you and your sister have a strong resemblance! love that last picture of jude, eli, and kwang...btw, i'm headed to chicago this weekend...very excited!

Anonymous said...

Too cute!! Both Jude and Eli (JEli - pronounce JEE-Ligh) have the best expressions when it's unbeknownst to them that their paparazzi mother is constantly clicking her camera. You may want to consider a career change. It would be a perfect vocation for LA don'tcha think?  : ) Just follow Jean Bai around and you're bound to run into someone famous because she has the most celebrity sightings/stalkings of anyone I know.

anntonykim said...

what cutie pies! 

jenyklee said...

can't wait to see the boys again (& u2)