Friday, April 25, 2008


Audrey turned one month old this week. But it feels more like one day... one VERY LONG DAY WITH NO NIGHTTIME. Jude and Eli weren't the easiest babies but one thing they both did well was sleep and remain sleeping when we put them down. I keep waiting for Audrey to do the same, for her to kindly allow me to sleep on my own for more than 45 minutes at night but she won't. She wants to be held when sleeping but ONLY AT NIGHT. The nice cozy bassinet that was good enough for my boys is apparently unacceptable to my third little newborn. I think she may be broken.

three weeks

It's really my sleep deprivation talking and I know I should cut my little Audrey some slack. I admit I'm more of a softie with her than I was with the boys. I think it's because I know she's my last. And she's probably just afraid of being left alone to sleep after living in this home for a month. Today I went to check on her while she was peacefully sleeping and found Eli hovering over her, trying to see if he could fit his finger under her eyelid. (Why do I think that's so cute?)

We've been looking into nearby sports programs to enroll Jude in because, you know, my life isn't chaotic enough and I need to see where exactly my breaking point might be. Until we do find some, we still play ball inside the house:

And while Kwang teaches Jude a thing or two about basketball, I do the same with Eli:

Just trying to keep it real here in Kobe-land. (Let's hope Kwang skips this xanga entry)


Friday, April 18, 2008

He Unfortunately Gets His Sense of Style From Me

After dropping Jude off at school yesterday, I took my other two peanuts to my office. My co-workers had generously showered Audrey with so many wonderful gifts before I went on maternity leave that I wanted to introduce her to them. But it was Eli who captured everyone's attention as we walked into the daily ten o'clock meeting. We tried to be discreet as the meeting was going on, but our attempt was futile because this is who walked in with me and Audrey:

cool boy.jpg

Eli INSISTED on wearing his cap and sunglasses. No, not his normal glasses but his shiny bright blue party favor sunglasses. I tried to talk him out of it, but he was adament about wearing them.

The boys have such a cute way of showing Audrey affection. Thinking she might love race cars and monster trucks as much as he does, this was how Jude left her one day while she slept:

jude caring for audrey.jpg

And on another day, Eli thought a little stuffed animal would soothe Audrey's cry:

eli caring for audrey.jpg

This is just how I found her after leaving them for a minute. It is at times like these when I think I can forgive them for the hundreds of times they stick their fingers in her eyes and mouth everyday. I keep wondering why they can't resist and I'm beginning to think it makes life more fulfilling for them.


Sunday, April 06, 2008

Cabin Fever

So now that I'm home on maternity leave, I decide to kill the time I should be using to catch up on the sleep I haven't gotten in the past two weeks by finally giving into the world of Facebook. From what I see, I must be the second to last korean in the world to create an account. My husband would be the last person, because he doesn't have an account and I doubt he will ever create one. It looks interesting, but I was so overwhelmed by all the invites and friends I felt I should add that I had to log out. Besides, what good is the ability to post pictures or videos of my kids when I can't write a corresponding, longwinded essay making fun of them? No good, no good at all I say.

Jude (to Eli): "When you spill something, you can say 'Aigo' or 'Aw shoot'. It's the same word."

While he was off work, Kwang took the boys here, there, everywhere... the pet store, the music store, the park, the L.A. Zoo (all by himself!):

and the beach:

The only thing Kwang and Audrey do together is lounge. Every time he holds her, she'll just stare at him for the longest time. And then she'll fall fast asleep:

My itty bitty jelly bean:


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Hello World

Conversations with Jude...

At the hospital when Jude first met Audrey:
   Me: "Look Jude, Baby is here! She finally came out of Uhmmah's tummy!"
   Jude looks at my still-pregnant-looking belly.
   Jude: "Is another baby going to come out?"

In the car on the way home with Kwang that evening:
   Jude: "Ah-bbah, how did the baby come out?"
   Kwang (not sure if he heard correctly): "Huh?"
   Jude: "How did the baby come out?"
   Kwang: "The doctor helped Uhmmah push the baby out."
   Jude: "But, HOW did the doctor push the baby out?"

The hard questions have officially begun.