Saturday, May 17, 2008

Jude's Favorite Parent

Last but not least, today is Kwang's birthday. What can I say, I love the man to death. But I'll stop there, because I can already hear my sisters' eyes rolling as they read this 1732 miles away. But these pics explain just one of the many, many reasons why I feel lucky to be with Kwang:

the boys.jpg
(Only I would be backwards enough to post a gun-fighting scene to show what a great dad I think he is. BTW, they're water guns.)

father daughter.jpg

All I ever wanted was a husband who would love me, and look! I got one who's also great with kids! I know he likes me, because he's willing to patiently put up with all my wierdiosities and trust me, folks, I have many. For example, I'm not the cleanest person, but I have a need to keep the home somewhat tidy. I'll find myself putting toys away several times a day knowing full well the boys are just going to take them out again an hour later. I'm annoying, I know. And while I would say I keep things clean because my mother-in-law comes over every day, Kwang might say it's because I have borderline obsessive compulsive tendencies. Sure, people may call me crazy, but they cannot ever say my family room is a mess.

Happy Birthday, Kwang!



janejchang23 said...

happy birthday kk!  and lis, you are beyond put mr. clean to shame.  puhlease, you make it difficult for truly messy people like me!  =)  love you much!  give the boys and the princess a squeeze!

mimikim1115 said...

happy b-day to kwang!  seriously, lots of birthdays in your family in may, eh? 

schmoomoo said...

happy birthday to kwang!!! please tell him we said so! we miss you guys!

Maryjanie said...

oh yucky! :)