Monday, May 12, 2008

"Floatin' Like A Cadillac, Stingin' like a Beamer" Says Birthday Boy Jude

Continuing along in our month-long celebration of birthdays, our boy Jude turned four years old today. Being our oldest, he's already embraced his role as the older brother. To keep her company the other day while her diaper was being changed, he said to Audrey in his sweetest voice appropriately raised an octave higher, "Ohhhh, you have a stinky butt. And you have no gochu..." As if that was the cutest thing to him.


Of course, Jude is an entirely different person at school. Each morning, he is warmly greeted by his teachers and classmates to whom he responds with... a blank stare. Without fail. Every school day. His teacher says he is "such a kind soul", but I'm thinking the kids just think he's a mute because I've yet to hear him talk to them. That's why it was difficult coming up with an invitation list for the birthday party we had for Jude & Eli over the weekend. He wouldn't give us any names except two from church. But it didn't matter, because I get the feeling that one of his favorite friends is actually one of mine, his Auntie Jean:

jude and auntie jean.jpg

Our baby is definitely a little boy now. Part of me is sad that I now have to buy clothes that don't have "T" after a size number or that he no longer needs a stool to reach the bathroom faucet. My little baby now asks for kimchee with his meals and even tries to use chopsticks:


He's always been fairly proactive in the learning department. He actually likes to study which sometimes makes me wonder if he really is my son. But then I just have to look at his ridiculously ginormous ears to see the undeniable proof that he was definitely born from my egg.


Happy Birthday, Buddy!


The picture above was from our own little family celebration tonight, Jude's actual birthday. We had a similar one for Eli even though we threw a big party for them together. For Eli's mini-family party, we had cupcakes from Susie Cakes which was a fantastic excuse to request two scrumptious red velvet cupcakes for myself. But now that I think about it, what looks even more delicious is this here scoop of lime sherbet:



grocery said...

happy birthday jude! i can't believe how much he's grown...audrey looks beautiful...

janejchang23 said...

happy birthday judeman!  can't believe he is 4!!!  hugs/kisses!

Binajina said...

happy birthday jude!!  he is sooo cute - "stinky butt and no gochu"  haha  all three of them are so cute.
audrey looks beatifull.  can't wait to meet her.

mimikim1115 said...

happy b-day jude! 

jchoi1633 said...

jude should become a urologist =)

dzhina said...

happy birthday to jude!