Sunday, June 15, 2008

Looks Like My DNA Is Finally Kicking In

Saturday morning, I fed the boys their usual breakfast of cheerios and milk when Kwang came home with some yummy donuts (at my request). Eli, of course, asked if he could have some.

Me: "You can have some donut if you pray again." (Knowing he'd want some, I had my camera ready.)
Eli: (video clip below...)

For some reason, everything Eli does makes me laugh. Even when he's sleeping:

sleeping eli.jpg

This past Thursday was "Donuts for Dad" day at Jude's preschool. Jude couldn't be happier:

donuts 4 dad day.jpg

Happy Father's Day to all the loving and hardworking dads out there!

dad and boys

And now for the portion of this week's entry titled Adorable:

Yoda takes a bath:
audrey bath.jpg

The fairest of them all (literally):
audrey sun.jpg


sohnsarah said...

Is my vision failing me? Are those LA Dodger caps on the boys? I guess you still have Audrey to convert into a Cubbies fan.

lisaekim said...

Sarah! Your vision is NOT failing you. But you'll never guess who got those caps for our boys... the biggest Cubbies fan of all: JEAN BAI KIM. No jokes. But I'm actually okay with it as long as it's not Laker paraphernalia. I know, terrible aren't I? Being a Laker Hater while living in L.A. Like I always say, I'm a midwest girl at heart.

grocery said...

oh my goodness audrey is beautiful...though i have to say, while jude will always have a special special place in my heart, eli has become quite contender of uber cuteness...haha oh my gosh... that prayer... especially the ending haha....

hsim said...

Aww, little Yoda is getting cuter and cuter.  I'm going to bring some sweets with me on Sunday and tell Eli he can have one if he prays for me... that is too cute!  =)  You're one blessed family... you've got some pretty awesome DNA!  :)

grocery said...

haha just showed eli's clip to frank. he thought it was funny too. haha it's up there w/ jude whale....

jenyklee said...

that is THE cutest & funniest clip ever!! chocolate donut...LOL

Maryjanie said...

Joey has got to hang out with Eli oppa...he's just too funny.