Monday, November 10, 2008

A Touch Ms. Golightly

Yes, yes, stinks to be the daughter of a woman who birthed two boys before finally having a girl:

(little dress made by my mother-in-law)

Eli: "At school, my friend hits me."
Kwang: "Which friend?"
Eli: "Landon."
Kwang: "Do you cry?"
Eli: "No."
Kwang: "What do you do?"
Eli: "Ummm.... my Power Ranger moves?"




Eliseyuhan said...

Sam is soooo sad that Eli is done with his "i love uncle sam phase"...but he's managed to move on to Audrey and finds great comfort in the fact that Jude likes him. =)

grocery said...

wow is it really still that warm where you live? what a cutey..

jeanxbeanx said...

andrew can use some self defense power ranger moves from eli.  it's good to know that eli will never be picked on at school!