Monday, February 23, 2009

Stress Reliever

I ended another difficult week of work with a much needed Friday afternoon at the nearby Hermosa Beach with the family. We just strolled down the strand while the boys rode their bike and scooter. It was exactly what I needed. It was the first time I think Audrey experienced sand and while both of our boys were deathly afraid of, yes, SAND until they were about two years old, Audrey had no qualms digging right in. In fact, she wanted not only to feel the sand in her hands and get it all over her clothes but also see what it tasted like. Which reminds me, Jude and Eli never had a desire to play with the water in the toilet. Now, I have to remember to close the bathroom doors ever since Audrey learned how to crawl. It really is as if I finally know what it's like to have a boy by having my little girl. **sigh** That, Alanis Morrissette, is what I think they call irony.

audrey 038.jpg

sand 147.jpg
jude 225.jpg eli 203.jpg

Everything Audrey does is cute to Kwang.
He'll often say what a mistake it would have been for us not to have had our third child.
audrey and kk 169.jpg

Watching this video, I'd have to agree:


katiek1023 said...

I'm sorry work has been tough :o( Charlotte feels the same about sand...loves the way it feels, and especially putting it in her mouth (although, she'll put anything that touches her hand into her mouth...she's not very discerning)....Audrey IS cute, by the way. Oh, and I'm sure you'll be shocked to hear we never heard back from Regis & Kelly..I know, I know, they're crazy.

hsim said...

I know, I heard Kwang say that life would not be complete without a daughter.  She's going to be daddy's little girl... which is fine b/c it sounds like you'll end up with a momma's boy or two.  ;)  All three Kim kids are super adorable!  Three is a great number... four is even better!  :)  Though, that may be insanity of insanities!

minglenyc said...

audrey is so cute! i luv the pic of her holding her face and laughing.. adorable!